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6 killer ways to boost Blogspot SEO

Learn to SEO blogspot in this blogspot SEO tutorial to boost your search engine rankings.

6 ways to optimize

 blogger for SEO!

Last updated: 6/8/2021

Creating a blog is not enough for receiving organic traffic. You need to learn Search Engine Optimization if you want your blog to be found organically. And in this SEO Blogspot tutorial, I am going to teach you to optimize blogger for SEO

Yes, today I am going to teach you to optimize blogger for SEO and I hope that after this SEO Blogspot tutorial you are going to receive some organic traffic from search engines!

So let's optimize "Blogger for SEO"...

How blogger is already SEO friendly

Learn how blogger is SEO friendly and how to optimize blogger for SEO to rank on Google

Some people ask “Is blogger SEO friendly” the simple answer to this question is yes blogger is SEO friendly…! But how. So this is what I am going to tell you in this section Blogger is SEO friendly as

      Blogspot automatically uploads a robots.txt file for your blog which is something that manages " Which pages search engines can index and which pages they can't. Blogspot automatically blocks search engines from indexing multiple versions of the same page, through robots.txt file preventing duplicate content issues.

     Blogger also uploads a sitemap for your site, as beginners don't know much about site structure the sitemap proves to be a very useful thing, as it tells google about the list of URLs on your site that are needed to be crawled and indexed. The only thing you need is to submit the sitemap to the Google search console.

      The 3rd and best thing about a blogger that makes it very much SEO friendly is that in its new responsive templates, e.g. Contempo, it automatically adds schema markup to your posts, which helps search engines easily understand your article. But most people don't know about it.

see also (how to write an SEO friendly article)

How to optimize blogger for SEO to rank on Google (blogger SEO optimization)

Yes, blogger is already SEO friendly but it doesn’t mean that it will do everything for you and you will continue to sit idle hoping that your blog will rank. Yes, bloggers do many important and technical things for you but there are still many important but less technical things that you will have to do yourself to rank your blog on a search engine like Google. So, let’s start with it….

Enable and add search descriptions for posts.

What is search description?

Now, you will definitely think about what the search description actually is and what its benefits are. So the simple answer to this question is that the post search description is the summary of the post that appears in search results. The main benefit of search description is that it can be read by search engine bots as well as by Searchers. So the more keyword it has the more likely a search engine is to rank your post and the more appealing it is the more likely a user is to click on your search results.

Note: Google no longer uses the meta description to rank content.

 To create an appealing as well as keyword-rich search (keywords should appear naturally avoid overstuffing otherwise it will negatively affect your rankings) description to improve your rankings.

Search description of google search console
Google search console's search description

How to enable search description in blogger and add it for the home page?

1.     Sign in to your bloggers account

2.     In the left sidebar, click on settings

3.     Go to meta tags

4.     Turn the search description option from off to on and in the Meta tag option add a search description for your home page. Congrats..! You have successfully enabled search description and added it for your home page.

Enable and type search description for home page

How to add search description of post?

1.     Sign in to your blogger account.

2.     Click the post you want to add search description for, the post editor will appear.

3.     In the right-hand sidebar, click on search description.

Add search description in blogger

4.     Add the search description and click update. Congrats…again you have added a search description for your post as well. 

see also:  (How to add a Whatsapp chat button in Blogspot.)

What is a permalink?

Simply, a permalink is a full URL to a post in your blog. If your permalink is unclean or dirty search engines are less likely to rank your blog post.

Example of a permalink:

By default, blogger creates a permalink usually by using your title, but it creates a really dirty permalink for languages other than English. So creating a custom permalink is the best policy.

How to create or edit a custom permalink in blogger?

1.     Create a new blog post or edit a previous one.

2.     In the right-hand sidebar click on custom permalink.

3.     On the given blank type in your desired permalink ending on .html.

Note: For the blog post you have already published you will first need to revert the post to draft and then follow the above steps, do this by following these easy steps.

1.     Click on the arrow with the preview button.

2.     From the given options click revert to draft and now follow the above steps to create a custom sitemap.

Revert to draft

Don’t forget that after changing a permalink for an old blog post (the post you have already published) you should redirect your old permalink to the new permalink. It will keep sending your visitors to the blog, who have access to your old permalink.

see also: vs Blogspot

     Internal linking

What is an internal link?

An internal link is a link from one page of your website to another.

1.     Google crawlers crawl site page to page. So when you are taking your page and linking page to page to page it allows Google crawlers algorithm, to continually crawl your website.  

2.     Your users use these links to navigate through your site and to find the content they want to find.


How to do internal linking in blogger?

1.     Select the post in which you want to add an internal link.

2.     In the post editor, select the word you want to act as an anchor text.

3.     Click on the link button.

4.     Add the link to the post you want to internal link to.

5.     Click Update and Boom… have successfully created an internal link.

External link (Outbound link).

What is an external link?

External linking is your linking to other people website. You can link to your competitors as well because if your competitor has good stats it provides credibility that you are an authentic source.

It also tells Google that you are related to these sites. But make sure you are linked only to trustworthy and reputable sites.

How to do external linking in blogger?

1.     Select the post in which you want to add an external link.

2.     Select the word you want to act as an anchor text.

3.     Click on the link button.

4.     Add the link of the blog you want to external link with.

5.     Click Update and Boom… have successfully created an external link in Blogspot.

Submit the already generated sitemap to Google Search Console.

1. Head on to the Google search console with the account you have created the blog with.

2. Click on start now.

3. Type in your domain.

4. As you have signed in with your email ownership will be automatically verified.

5. Go to the property

6. In the left-hand sidebar click on sitemaps.

 7. Enter the URL to the sitemap. In blogger, your, sitemap will be available on adding /sitemap.xml after your domain e.g. for my domain the sitemap will be available on


In the above post, we have learned how is blogger already SEO friendly and how to optimize blogger for SEO i-e to do blogger SEO optimization. We have learned what search description is and how to add it in blogger, How to create a custom permalink for blog post in blogger, Internal as well as external linking, and how to submit bloggers sitemap in Google search console. Finally, your blog is almost ready to rank on Search engines.

I actually want to congratulate you because you have learned to optimize blogger for SEO, which will help you in receiving organic traffic!


  1. I saw your post on Facebook and came here to read it.
    And I must say that you are doing a great job. Keep it up brother

  2. Very well done. The article explained to me everything about blogspot and I was finally able to optimize my blogspot blog for SEO

  3. Nice tips and tricks to optimize your blog. Important information for those who want to succeed in blogging

  4. This is a good blogger SEO tutorial. I found it very helpful in SEO blogspot blog. And I have used these SEO blogger tips to rank my blog (on the 5th page ) of Google SERPS within 25 days. And I hope that I will see a much higher rankings in near future. Thank you sir! this is a good SEO blogspot tutorial!
    Keep publishing articles like this.....


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